How to Order

How to Order

Our Specialty Plugs and Bulbs are arranged by Shipping Categories. These Categories are very important as all the items within a category ship at the same time. This means orders should only be placed for products within one category at a time. If you want to purchase from additional categories, checkout the products in your shopping cart, and start shopping from a new category. The shipping time for each category is posted in the category header along with any important details for that category. Sale release dates will be posted in our Facebook Group as an event. Release dates are also posted on our website. Check out our Facebook Group: Specialty Cut Flowers Plugs/Small Scale.


Your plugs have been traveling in the dark for a few days and can experience transit shock. Give them time to recover. Unpack immediately; they need air. Water and keep moist, but don't over water. Give them indirect light or set in a partially shaded area since direct light can burn the leaves. If the plugs are in cell trays, within a few days carefully transplant to larger containers for more root space. If they are not in cell trays, pot them up immediately. When growing conditions are right, start hardening off by exposing the plants to outdoor conditions a few hours a day preferable in morning and evening sun. They will adjust in a few days and can be planted in the field.